Nhảy tới nội dung

Voucher Creation

Promotion Campaign is usually used to encourage customer's purchase intention. Customers can obtain vouchers via these methods:

  • Collect voucher
  • Exchange voucher with a currency
  • Buy voucher
  • Play game to receive voucher

The instructions below show how you can integrate with MoMo to distribute your vouchers band how API Configurations operate.

Process Flow


API Configurations

HTTP Information

Create a campaign

Partner uses this API to create a voucher on MoMo.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo

Parameter description
requestTypeStringValues: DCORP
idStringID of the promotion campaign on Partner
nameStringName of the campaign
descriptionStringDescription of the campaign
logoURLStringURL to campaign’s logo. Size: 80x80 pixel.
bannerURLStringURL to campaign’s banner. Size: 375x210 pixel.
startAtLongDefine when the campaign comes to effect in UNIX timestamp.
endAtLongDefine when the campaign ends in UNIX timestamp.
promoSchemeEnumVoucher type:
DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL: Discount on the bill amount
BUY_X_GET_Y: Buy something and get something free
DISCOUNT_ON_ITEMS_IN_BILL: Discount on some items in bill
SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT: All items has same price
discountTypeEnum(*)Discount type:
VALUE: Discount on fixed amount
PERCENTAGE: Discount by percentage
discountValueLong(*)Discount percentage.
discountValue must be a multiple of 5, example: 10%, 15%, 50%, 75%,...
discountValue > 0.05 (5%)
When discountType = PERCENTAGE: discountValue must be less than or equal to 1.
maxDiscountAmountLong(*)Max discount amount.
maxDiscountAmount >= 5000
When discountType = PERCENTAGE: maxDiscountAmount > discountValue x minBillValue.
voucherCountIntegerThe number of vouchers will be issued.
billTimesArray of objectDefine the condition when a bill is eligible to apply the voucher. Described below.
minBillValueLongMinimum order amount that the voucher could be applied.
minOrderItemsCountLong(*)Minimum number of items required in the order that the voucher could be applied.
(*) Required when promoScheme = BUY_X_GET_Y
eligibleStoresArray of objectEligible stores (on the Partner's system) that the voucher can be applied.
eligibleMenuItemsArray of objectEligible menu items that the voucher could be applied, for example: Matcha Milk-tea, Watermelon juice... Detail is described below.
eligibleMenuItemTypesArray of objectEligible menu items that the voucher could be applied, for example: category Coffee, Milk-tea,... Detail is described below.
maxGiftItemsCountLong(*)The maximum item count could be applied to the voucher.
(*) Required when promoScheme = BUY_X_GET_Y, SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT
giftItemsArray of objectDefine offered items to user when applying a voucher, for example: Matcha Milk-tea, Watermelon juice...
(*) Required when promoScheme = BUY_X_GET_Y
giftItemTypesArray of objectDefine types of items offered to user when applying a voucher, for example: category Coffee, Milk-tea,...
(*) Required when promoScheme = BUY_X_GET_Y
giftItemMechanismString(*)Mechanism for gift items:
NONE: Default. The first ordered items are gifted.
ASCENDI NG: Items with the lowest price are gifted.
DESCENDING: Items with the highest price are gifted.
(*) Required when promoScheme = BUY_X_GET_Y
parityPriceLong(*)Price of item when applying a voucher.
(*) Required when promoScheme = SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT
Details of billTimes
daysOfWeekArray of integer[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]Days of week that the voucher could be applied:
Monday: 2
Tuesday: 3
Wednesday: 4
Thursday: 5
Friday: 6
Saturday: 7
Sunday: 8
timeFromString00:00:00Define the start time that the voucher could be applied. Format: hh24:mm:ss
timeToString23:59:59Define the end time that the voucher could be applied. Format: hh24:mm:ss
Details of eligibleStores
storeIdStringID of store at Partner side, it is used to link with store on MoMo system
Details of eligibleMenuItems
idStringItem id at Partner side
nameStringItem name at Patner side
originalPriceDoubleThe original price before discount of the item, used to show attractive information to users.
discountPriceDoubleThe price after applying discount
Details of eligibleMenuItemTypes
idStringItem type id at Partner side
nameStringItem type name at Patner side

Describe how promoScheme & discountType & discountValue & maxDiscountAmount correlated to the final discount amount of a bill

  1. When promoScheme = DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL, discountType = VALUE, discountValue = 10000, the bill got discount an amount of 10000 but not exceeds maxDiscountAmount (if defined)
  2. The bill amount is 100000. When: promoScheme = DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL, discountType = PERCENTAGE, discountValue = 0.3, maxDiscountAmount = 15000, the bill got discount an amount of 15000 which is the minimum value of (0.3*100000) and maxDiscountAmount

Example of Scheme Discount on total bill
"requestType": "DCORP",
"id": "GIAM30KT062023",
"name": "Giảm 10% hoá đơn tối đa 30K đơn từ 75k tháng 6-2023",
"description": "Giảm 10% hoá đơn tối đa 30K đơn từ 75k tháng 6-2023",
"logoURL": "https://...",
"bannerURL": "https://...",
"startAt": 1693526400000,
"endAt": 1696118399000,
"promoScheme": "DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL",
"discountType": "PERCENTAGE",
"discountValue": 0.1,
"maxDiscountAmount": 30000,
"voucherCount": 1000,
"billTimes": [
"daysOfWeek": [2, 3, 4],
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "23:59:59"
"daysOfWeek": [5, 6, 7, 8],
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "12:00:00"
"minBillValue": 75000,
"minOrderItemsCount": 1,
"eligibleStores": [
"storeId": "store id at Partner side"
"eligibleMenuItems": [
"id": "item id at partner side",
"name": "item name at partner side",
"originalPrice": 50000
"eligibleMenuItemTypes": [
"id": "item type id at partner side",
"name": "item type name at partner side"

Example of Scheme Buy X Get Y
"requestType": "DCORP",
"id": "TANGTRANCHAUT062023",
"name": "Mua trà sữa size L bất kỳ tặng trân châu tháng 6-2023",
"description": "Mua trà sữa size L bất kỳ tặng trân châu tháng 6-2023",
"logoURL": "https://...",
"bannerURL": "https://...",
"startAt": 1693526400000,
"endAt": 1696118399000,
"promoScheme": "BUY_X_GET_Y",
"voucherCount": 1000,
"minOrderItemsCount": 1,
"maxGiftItemsCount": 10,
"billTimes": [
"daysOfWeek": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "23:59:59"
"eligibleStores": [
"storeId": "store id at Partner side"
"eligibleMenuItems": [
"id": "trasua01",
"name": "Trà sữa Trân Châu Hoàng Kim size L",
"originalPrice": 50000
"giftItems": [
"id": "tranchau01",
"name": "Trân Châu Trắng",
"originalPrice": 10000

Example of Scheme Discount on items in bill
"requestType": "DCORP",
"id": "asdasd2134353asdsad5",
"name": "Giảm 10% tối đa 30K cho món trà sữa trân châu",
"description": "Giảm 10% tối đa 30K cho món trà sữa trân châu",
"logoURL": "https://...",
"bannerURL": "https://...",
"startAt": 1699599288000,
"endAt": 1699685688000,
"discountType": "PERCENTAGE",
"discountValue": 0.1,
"voucherCount": 1000,
"maxDiscountAmount": 30000,
"billTimes": [
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "23:59:59"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "12:00:00"
"minBillValue": 75000,
"eligibleStores": [
"storeId": "store id at Partner side"
"eligibleMenuItems": [
"id": "item id at partner side",
"name": "item name at partner side",
"originalPrice": 50000
"eligibleMenuItemTypes": [
"id": "item type id at partner side",
"name": "item type name at partner side"
"minGiftItemsCount": 10,
"giftItems": [
"id": "item id at partner side",
"name": "item name at partner side",
"originalPrice": 50000
"giftItemTypes": [
"id": "item type id at partner side",
"name": "item type name at partner side"

Example of Scheme Same Price discount
"requestType": "DCORP",
"id": "asdasd2134353asdsad5asd",
"name": "Đồng giá 30K cho món trà sữa trân châu",
"description": "Đồng giá 30K cho món trà sữa trân châu",
"logoURL": "https://...",
"bannerURL": "https://...",
"startAt": 1699599288000,
"endAt": 1699685688000,
"promoScheme": "SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT",
"voucherCount": 1000,
"billTimes": [
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "23:59:59"
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "12:00:00"
"minBillValue": 75000,
"eligibleStores": [
"storeId": "store id at Partner side"
"eligibleMenuItems": [
"id": "item id at partner side",
"name": "item name at partner side",
"originalPrice": 50000
"eligibleMenuItemTypes": [
"id": "item type id at partner side",
"name": "item type name at partner side"
"maxGiftItemsCount": 10,
"parityPrice": 30000

HTTP Response
statusStringSee convention for common status code
messageStringThe description of the above status code
dataObjectDescribed below
formErrorsObjectDescribed below. This property is set on status = FAIL and http status code is 400
Details of data Model
campaignIdStringCampaign id at MoMo
idStringReceived id in the request
statusEnumCampaign status at MoMo, default WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL. Check the section Campaign Description for more detail.
errorMessageStringError description if any
Details of FormErrors Model
[each property in request body]Array of stringError message

Example of a Successful Request
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Thành công",
"data": {
"campaignId": "voucher id at MoMo side",
"id": "GIAM30KT062023",

Example of a Bad Request
"status": "FAIL",
"message": "Thất bại",
"formErrors": {
"name": [
"Tên voucher vượt quá 100 ký tự"
"discountValue": [
"Giá trị không hợp lệ"
"billTimes": [
"daysOfWeek": [
"Giá trị không hợp lệ"
"timeFrom": [
"Thời gian sai định dạng"

Import voucher codes of a campaign

Merchant uses this API to specify voucher codes in a campaign that MoMo will distribute to users. This API accepts a text file. Describe the input file:

  1. A text file in csv format with no header and encoding UTF8.
  2. Each line in the file defines a voucher code, only in column A of the first sheet, without any header or any information.
  3. Code data is without any formulas, no duplicated codes in 1 campaign and contains only English alphabet characters (from a to Z, case-sensitive) and numeric characters (from 0 to 9).
  4. The maximum length of each voucher code is 20 characters and minimum 1 character.
  5. Max file size is 5MB and limited to 100.000 codes per file.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}/voucher-codes/by-file

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo
momoCampaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo

Parameter description

Request Body: file binary
Example of a Request
curl --location '<MoMoHost>/v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}/voucher-codes/by-file' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/csv' \
--data '@/data/voucher_codes.csv'

HTTP Response
statusStringStatus of Importing Codes. Check section of Result Codes & Messages
messageStringSee convention
dataObjectDescribed below
Details of data Model
campaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
wasConfirmedBooleanWhether MoMo accepts the file:
- True: The received file looks good (format, size) and MoMo accepts it for further processing later.
- False: There’s something wrong with the file and MoMo rejects it.

Example of a Successful Response
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Thành công",
"data": {
"campaignId": "GIAM30KT062023",
"wasConfirmed": true,

Get campaign detail

Partner uses this API to get a campaign detail that was created previously on MoMo.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo
momoCampaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo

HTTP Response
statusStringSee convention
messageStringSee convention
dataObjectDescribed below
Details of data Model
idStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
nameStringName of the campaign
descriptionStringDescription of the campaign
statusEnumCampaign status
logoURLStringURL to campaign’s logo.
bannerURLStringURL to campaign’s banner
startAtLongDefine when the campaign comes to effect in UNIX timestamp.
endAtLongDefine when the campaign ends in UNIX timestamp.
promoSchemeEnumVoucher type:
DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL: Discount on the bill amount
BUY_X_GET_Y: Buy something and get something free
DISCOUNT_ON_ITEMS_IN_BILL: Discount on some items in bill
SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT: All items has same price
discountTypeEnumDiscount type:
VALUE: Discount on fixed amount
PERCENTAGE: Discount by percentage
discountValueDoubleDiscount percentage.
When discountType = PERCENTAGE, discountValue must be less than or equal to 1.
maxDiscountAmountDoubleMax discount amount.
voucherCountIntegerThe number of vouchers will be issued.
billTimesArray of objectDefine the condition when a bill is eligible to apply the voucher. Described below.
minBillValueDoubleMinimum order amount that the voucher could be applied.
minOrderItemsCountIntegerMinimum number of items required in the order that the voucher could be applied.
eligibleStoresArray of objectEligible stores (on the Partner's system) that the voucher can be applied.
eligibleMenuItemsArray of objectEligible menu items that the voucher could be applied. Described below.
eligibleMenuItemTypesArray of objectEligible menu item types that the voucher could be applied. Described below.
minGiftItemCountIntegerThe maximum item count could be applied to the voucher.
giftItemsArray of objectDefine offered items to user when applying a voucher.
giftItemTypesArray of objectDefine types of items offered to user when applying a voucher.
Details of billTimes
daysOfWeekArray of integerDays of week that the voucher could be applied:
Monday: 2
Tuesday: 3
Wednesday: 4
Thursday: 5
Friday: 6
Saturday: 7
Sunday: 8
timeFromStringDefine the start time that the voucher could be applied. Format: hh24:mm:ss
timeToStringDefine the end time that the voucher could be applied. Format: hh24:mm:ss
Details of eligibleStores
storeIdStringStore ID (on the Partner's system)
storeNameStringStore name
momoStoreIdStringStore ID (on MoMo's system)
oaIdStringID of MoMo's Official Account of your eligible stores
Details of eligibleMenuItems
idStringItem id at Partner side
nameStringItem name at Patner side
originalPriceDoubleThe original price before discount of the item, used to show attractive information to users.
Details of eligibleMenuItemTypes
idStringItem type id at Partner side
nameStringItem type name at Patner side

Example response
"id": "GIAM30KT062023",
"name": "Giảm tối đa 30K đơn từ 75k tháng 6-2023",
"description": "Giảm tối đa 30K đơn từ 75k tháng 6-2023",
"logoURL": "https://...",
"bannerURL": "https://...",
"campaignId": "OPTIONAL campaignId",
"promoScheme": "DISCOUNT_ON_TOTAL_BILL",
"discountType": "VALUE",
"discountValue": 15000,
"voucherCount": 1000,
"billTime": [
"daysOfWeek": [2, 3, 4],
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "23:59:59"
"daysOfWeek": [5, 6, 7, 8],
"timeFrom": "00:00:00",
"timeTo": "12:00:00"
"minBillValue": 1000000,
"eligibleStores": [
"storeId": "store id at partner side",
"momoStoreId": "store id at MoMo side",
"oaId": "OA id at MoMo side",
"eligibleMenuItems": [
"id": "item id at partner side",
"name": "item name at partner side",
"eligibleMenuItemTypes": [
"id": "item type id at partner side",
"name": "item type name at partner side",
"giftItems": [
"id": "tranchau01",
"name": "Trân Châu Trắng",
"originalPrice": 10000

Get status of imported voucher codes

Merchant uses this API to determine whether voucher codes (that are pushed to MoMo using API described here) have been processed successfully or something went wrong.

HTTP Request

GET /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}/voucher-codes/status

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo
momoCampaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo

HTTP Response
statusStringStatus of the request. Check section of Result Codes & Messages
messageStringSee convention
dataObjectDescribed below
Details of data Model
campaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
numberOfCodesIntegerThe number of codes in the input file that has been imported successfully into MoMo system.
needToImportCodesenumWhether partner should send voucher codes to MoMo:
- True: Partner should import voucher codes to MoMo using API described here.
- False: Otherwise.
importTimeLongThe last time MoMo received a file in milliseconds.

Example response
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Thành công",
"data": {
"campaignId": "GIAM30KT062023",
"numberOfCodes": 30000,
"needToImportCodes": false,
"importTime": 1713148723

Update status of a campaign

Partner uses this API to update status of a campaign that was created previously on MoMo.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo
momoCampaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo

Parameter description
statusEnumCampaign status. Only allow this status: STOPPED

Example request
"status": "STOPPED"

HTTP Response
statusStringSee convention
messageStringSee convention
dataObjectDescribed below
Details of data Model
campaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
statusEnumCurrent campaign status:

Example of a Successful Request
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Thành công",
"data": {
"campaignId": "GIAM30KT062023",
"status": "STOPPED"

Web hook to receive updates about campaign

MoMo notifies Partner updates related to the campaign's status via web hook that is provided by Partner.

HTTP Request

POST <your endpoint, needed to register first with MoMo>

Parameter description
requestIdStringUUID, unique for every request
eventEnumThere’s just one value for now: STATE_CHANGE_MSG (means campaign’s status has updated)
dataObjectDescribed below
Details of data Model
campaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
campaignStateEnumCampaign status at MoMo, default WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL. Check the section Campaign Description for more detail.
operationTypeEnumAllowed actions can be made to the campaign: CREATE, APPROVE, REJECT, STOP, UPDATE.
operationMessageStringDescription of the event from MoMo
operationTimeLongEpoch timestamp in milliseconds

Example request
"requestId": "f215406f-e928-43fa-8639-68458fdaa3e7",
"event": "STATE_CHANGE_MSG",
"data": {
"campaignId": "238239582395",
"campaignState": "ACTIVE",
"operationType": "APPROVE",
"operationMessage": "Look good to me!!",
"operationTime": 1686705424000

HTTP Response

HTTP Status Code: 200

Parameter description
campaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
wasConfirmedBooleanWhether the request has been processed.
True: The request has been processed.
False: You received the request but has not processed it yet.
messageStringSome message about the request you want MoMo to know
errorCodeIntegerYour error code

Result Codes and Messages

After submitting an API request, you'll receive a response inform that your request was received and processed. Depending on the HTTP status code of the response, please handle the corresponding logical actions:

  • 2xx: indicates a well received and processed request
  • 4xx: you did something wrong in the request.
  • 5xx: something's wrong with the server, or connection.

Other than HTTP status code, you'll also receive MoMo error codes and messages (in EN and VI) in the response. Each of them will carry out a distinguish result of your request, so please apply the logical handlers for them all.

Result codeDescriptionTypeRecommended actions
11Access denied.System errorMerchant settings issue. Please check your settings in M4B portal, or contact MoMo for configurations.
13Merchant authentication failed.Merchant errorPlease check your credentials and the ones provided in M4B portal.
010001Duplicated request.System errorDuplicated request.
010002The request is being processed.System errorThe request is being processed.
100001Please do not leave request ID blank.Merchant errorPlease retry with another request ID.
100002Campaign type does not exist.Merchant errorPlease retry with the campaign type defined in the documentation.
100003Invalid logo URL.Merchant errorPlease do not leave logo blank.
100004Invalid banner URL.Merchant errorPlease do not leave banner blank.
100005Total voucher issued is less than 0 or greater than 100.000.Merchant errorTotal voucher issue should be in range [1 - 100.000].
101001Voucher type does not exist.Merchant errorPlease retry with the voucher type defined in the documentation.
101002Discount value is less than 0 or greater than > 1 → Wrong format.Merchant errordiscountValue should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
101003Max discount amount is less than 0 → Wrong format.Merchant errormaxDiscountAmount should be greater than 0.
101004Same price amount is less than 0 → Wrong format.NoparityPrice should be greater than 0.
101005Quantity of discount items is less than 0 → Wrong format.Merchant errorQuantity of discount items should be greater than 0.
101006Mechanism for gift items does not exist (only for voucher type BUY_X_GET_Y).Merchant errorgiftItemMechanism does not exist.
101007Both offered items and offered item types do not have values.Merchant errorThere should be at least either discount items or discount item types.
101008ID of offered items are empty.Merchant errorItem ID of discount items should not be empty.
101009Name of offered items are empty.Merchant errorItem name of discount items should not be empty.
101010ID of offered item types are empty.Merchant errorItem Type ID of discount items should not be empty.
101011Name of offered item types are empty.Merchant errorItem Type Name of discount items should not be empty.
102001Campaign start time is less than current timestampMerchant errorCampaign start time should be greater than current time.
102002Campaign end time is less than current timestampMerchant errorCampaign end time should be greater than current time.
102003Day of week is less than 1 and greater than 7 → Wrong format.Merchant errordaysOfWeek should be in range [1,7].
102004timeFrom is in wrong format hh:mm:ss. Correct format:
0 <= hh < 24.
0 <= mm < 60.
0 <= ss < 60.
Merchant errortimeFrom should follow the format hh:mm:ss.
102005timeTo is in wrong format hh:mm:ss. Correct format:
0 <= hh < 24.
0 <= mm < 60.
0 <= ss < 60.
Merchant errortimeTo should follow the format hh:mm:ss.
103001The minimum bill valiue is less than 0.Merchant errorminBillValue should be greater than or equal to 0.
103002Minimum items count required in the order is less than 0 (only for voucher type BUY_X_GET_Y).Merchant errorminOrderItemsCount should be greater than 0.
103003Both eligible items and eligible item types do not have values (only for voucher type BUY_X_GET_Y, SAME_PRICE_DISCOUNT).Merchant errorThere should be at least either eligible items or eligible item types.
103004storeId of eligibleStores does not have values.Merchant errorstoreId of the eligibleStores should not be empty.
103005ID of eligible items are empty.Merchant error
Item ID of eligible items should not be empty.
103006Name of eligible items are empty.Merchant errorItem name of eligible items should not be empty.
103007ID of eligible item types are empty.Merchant errorItem Type ID of eligible items should not be empty.
103008Name of eligible item types are empty.Merchant errorItem Type Name of eligible items should not be empty.
110001Master Merchant who requested to update campaign is not the Master Merchant creating the campaign.Merchant errorYou don't have permission to take this action on the campaign that belongs to others.
110002Campaign is not in the state of updating status (including: Rejected, Error, Terminated, Completed, Archived)Merchant errorThis campaign is not in the state of updating status.
200001The number of unique codes in the received file does not match the voucher count defined in the campaignMerchant errorPlease import the same amount of codes with campaign.
200002There’s invalid voucher code format in the file.Merchant errorDescription:
Codes should be a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers, and less than or equal to 20 characters. Codes should not contain any symbols or special letters.
{Number_of_lines}} are in wrong format. These are three of them: {{list the first 3 lines}}.
Codes should be a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers, and less than or equal to 20 characters. Codes should not contain any symbols or special letters.
33 lines are in wrong format. These are three of them: 2, 5, 10.
200003There are duplicated voucher codes in the file.Merchant errorDescription:
File should not contain duplicated codes.
{{Number_of_lines}} lines contain duplicated codes. These are three of them: {{list the first 3 lines}}
File should not contain duplicated codes.
10 lines contain duplicated codes. These are three of them: 2, 5, 10.
210001Duplicated file codes with the same campaignId.Merchant errorThis campaign has already imported codes. This request is rejected.
210002Campaign ID does not exist.Merchant errorCampaign ID does not exist.
210003Campaign is not in the state of importing codes (including: Scheduled, Active, Stopped, Rejected, Error, Terminated, Completed, Archived)Merchant errorThis campaign is not in the state of importing codes.
210004The imported file’s format is invalid.Merchant errorPlease import the csv file..
210005File size exceeded limitationMerchant errorFile should be not larger than 5MB.
210006Master Merchant who requested to import codes is not the Master Merchant creating the campaign.Merchant errorYou don't have permission to take this action on the campaign that belongs to others.