Nhảy tới nội dung

Campaign Description

Campaign Status

A campaign at MoMo has following statuses:

WAITING_FOR_APPROVALCampaign needs MoMo’s approval
APPROVEDCampaign is approved and about to start
ACTIVEMoMo sets campaign's status to this value automatically when the campaign comes to effect
COMPLETEDReach campaign end time and some users have available vouchers.
ARCHIVEDNo users have available vouchers from this campaign
REJECTEDCampaign was rejected by MoMo
STOPPEDCampaign was forced stopped by Partner or by MoMo
DELETEDWhen campaign’s status is WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL and you request to stop the campaign using the API Update campaign status, its status is set to DELETED