Quick Pay - POS Scanner
Process Flow
Flow diagram
- Step 1: User logs in MoMo app, selects MÃ THANH TOÁN (Payment Code) to create a payment code (
). - Step 2: Cashier scans Bar code (or QR code) on the user’s screen to get
, and the information will be sent to partner’s POS server. - Step 3: POS Server packs and sends received transaction information to MoMo’s server for authorization.
- Step 4: MoMo’s Server processes the request and returns the authorization result to POS server. If failed (cannot make authorization), transaction ends here. If succeed, MoMo’s server will call
if have config (API provided by partner in MoMo’s format, view detail to notify order payment status. - Step 5: POS Server receives result returned from MoMo’s Server, processes and send corresponding request to MoMo’s server to confirm the transaction (
) depending on the result of the processing. - Step 6: MoMo’s Server processes the
request and returns result to POS server.
Payment Processing
Describe data the POS server sends through the MoMo server to authorization.
Minimum timeout when call this API must be 20s to ensure receive response from MoMo.
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
partnerRefId | String | Partner Transaction ID Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$ | |
hash | String | RSA (jsonString , publicKey ) | |
version | Double | Version, currently is 2.0 | |
payType | Integer | Value is3 | |
description | String | Transaction description | |
extra_data | Json | Json contain detail information if available. Format is: {\"key\": \"value\"} Default value is "" Additional information SKU: {"sku": "sku1, sku2,..."} |
Details of jsonString
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Partner Code | |
partnerRefId | String | Partner Transaction ID | |
amount | Long | Payment amount | |
paymentCode | String | Payment code created from MoMo app that is scanned by cashier | |
storeId | String | Store ID (should transmit to be more detailed, if there is a store) | |
storeName | String | Store name |
consists of 18-20 characters (starting with MM
in case of 20 characters) and has expiration time of 1 minute since created.
"partnerCode": "MOMOIQA420180417",
"partnerRefId": "Merchant123556666",
"amount": 30000,
"paymentCode": "MM627755248085056826",
"storeId": "001",
"storeName": "Partner store 01"
Data hash
encrypted by RSA
Example request Example
"partnerCode": "MOMOIQA420180417",
"partnerRefId": "Merchant123556666",
"description": "Payment by MoMo POS",
"hash": "VwnYQbw5eg2XGVO6uGgyOETG9dBQXjdOw8OyBptZ5zvsUTPiNxMc4hi1sd7TTRkifG0kaOJVgplrLlyogFxcegyZzQ7LtjDr/4FtN8MfFKWozhxSWW2JYQyJ/klegGVpOTSkXkfUoueGdTSI2IJFS1pe5rxkmBdMWRilbyfOqbTdrWt50gjY2mQbhke7+9puGLgg8mh+NfYCbEZtHDKyDODA0MVNMNh3ATd31KwfNLm0zx6QQ6KXBq5M04cpTA6rIZ9uz3fxEwTvPycuxJtLvtFDpLapNAmUwqA2Rej3mTgOTN1+Jq9isqEueA0Ix3ip++d8GbJXJYkvYfr0XgT3zA==",
"version": 2,
"payType": 3
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Transaction status |
message | Json | Json containing detail contents |
message.description | String | Detailed description |
message.transid | Long | MoMo's transaction ID |
message.amount | Long | Payment amount |
message.phoneNumber | String | MoMo's customer phone number (hidden 3 digits) |
message.walletId | String | MoMo Wallet ID |
Response Example
"status": 0,
"message": {
"transid": 43121679,
"description": "Thành công",
"amount": 30000,
"phoneNumber": "0963***714",
"walletId": "3406ABB1FF64F676F54A397B6B5F31E7FDA9533B"
Processing payment result
After making authorization successfully, MoMo’s server will create data and call URL provided by partner (notifyUrl
) to notify order payment status with content as described below.
Configure notifyUrl
: https://business.momo.vn/merchant/integrate/generalInfo
Notify URL Example
HTTP Request
- Method:
- Content-type:
Attribute | Type | Description |
partnerCode | String | |
accessKey | String | Integration information |
amount | Long | Paid amount |
partnerRefId | String | Partner's transaction ID |
partnerTransId | String | Order Information |
transType | String | Value always as momo_wallet |
momoTransId | String | MoMo's transaction ID |
status | Integer | Transaction status |
message | String | Status description |
responseTime | Long | Time calling notifyUrl (in millisecond) Time zone: GMT +7 |
storeId | String | Store ID |
signature | String | Signature to check information. Use Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with data in format: accessKey=$accessKey&amount=$amount&message=$message&momoTransId= $momoTransId&partnerCode=$partnerCode&partnerRefId=$partnerRefI d&partnerTransId=$partnerTransId&responseTime=$responseTime&status= $status&storeId=$storeId&transType=momo_wallet |
Json body Example
"partnerCode": "MOMOIQA420180417",
"accessKey": "TNWFx9JWayevKPiB8LyTgODiCSrjstXN",
"amount": 10000,
"partnerRefId": "B001221",
"partnerTransId": "",
"transType": "momo_wallet",
"momoTransId": "43121679",
"status": 0,
"message": "Thành Công",
"responseTime": 1555472829549,
"signature": "cd0d82ad983098a2fb99b8e49266ed7bd4db85ebf77d13b2db2f755ff0600fa0",
"storeId": "store001"
HTTP Response
Partner’s Server needs to respond back to MoMo’s server informing that the order status has been recorded, with content description as below.
- HTTP status:
- Body:
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Transaction status. 0 if successful |
message | String | Status description |
partnerRefId | String | Partner's transaction ID |
momoTransId | String | MoMo's transaction ID |
amount | Long | Payment amount |
signature | String | Signature to check information. Use Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with data in format: amount=$amount&message=$message&momoTransId=$momoTransId &partnerRefId=$partnerRefId&status=$status |
Response Example
"status": 0,
"message": "Thành công",
"amount": 10000,
"partnerRefId": "B001221",
"momoTransId": "43121679",
"signature": "0671f38c555629c6b05ee4043c28d9fde59443ee56bc7216b5b953cc4e8bf848"
Payment Confirmation
After MoMo has put user’s money on hold successfully (money from User’s e-wallet transferred to the middle e-wallet), User will receive success notification (money has been deducted) and the respective transaction from MoMo’s side will have the status of Waiting to be processed. Partner will process internal operations and call this API to complete the transaction, called confirm API, including 2 statuses:
- Confirm (
): Partner processes the transaction successfully, and this status will transfer the money from the middle wallet to respective partner’s wallet. Respective transaction from MoMo’s side will complete with Successful status. - Cancel (
): Partner fails to process the transaction, and this status will return the money on hold from the middle wallet to the user’s wallet. The respective transaction from MoMo’s side will complete with Failed status.
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
partnerRefId | String | Partner's transaction ID Format: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$ | |
requestType | String | Request type, with 2 values: - Confirm transaction: capture - Cancel transaction: revertAuthorize | |
requestId | String | ID of each request when calling MoMo | |
momoTransId | String | MoMo's transaction ID authorized | |
signature | String | Signature to check information. Use Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with data in format: partnerCode=$partnerCode&partnerRefId=$partnerRefId &requestType=$requestType&requestId=$requestId &momoTransId=$momoTransId | |
customerNumber | String | Customer's phone number | |
description | String | Reason description (used in the case of rollback ) |
Request Example
"partnerCode": "MOMOIQA420180417",
"partnerRefId": "Merchant123556666",
"requestType": "capture",
"requestId": "1512529262248",
"momoTransId": "12436514111",
"signature": "bf577f678efebee61705de899984a67c4eeb3439318b5f0bd6e37263cf6e9fb3",
"customerNumber": "0963181714"
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Request result |
message | String | Status description |
data | Json | Json containing detail contents (in successful cases) |
data.partnerCode | String | Partner Code |
data.partnerRefId | String | partnerRefId of request |
data.momoTransId | String | MoMo's transaction ID |
data.amount | Long | Amount on hold |
signature | String | Signature to check information. Use Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with data in format: amount=$amount&momoTransId=$momoTransId&partnerCode=$partnerCode &partnerRefId=$partnerRefId |
Response Example
"status": 0,
"message": "Thành công",
"data": {
"partnerCode": "MOMOIQA420180417",
"momoTransId": "12436514111",
"amount": 30000,
"partnerRefId": "Merchant123556666"
"signature": "ca2ab5c354ff1bf8af1dd3448a3aa5681e4f329d71082dc1a90347255656f70d"