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Payment Notification

Processing payment result

Whenever a payment process is completed, we notify you of the event and whether it was successful or not.

Interface (Redirect)

After a payment flow is completed, the customer will be redirected to the redirectUrl you provided in the create request. Some parameters will be added to the URL with the following format:

Method: GET

redirectUrl ?{parameters}

IPN - Instant Payment Notification

MoMo Server will use the API declared in the ipnUrl field to send an HTTP Request with the configuration below to the partner server.

>>> What is IPN and how to use it?

Method: POST

MethodPOSTMethod of the HTTP Request
HeadersContent-type: application/json HTTP Headers
PayloadResult TransactionThe body content of HTTP

IPN Request Example

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"orderType": "momo_wallet",
"amount": 1000,
"partnerCode": "MOMOT5BZ20231213_TEST",
"orderId": "Partner_Transaction_ID_1721720620078",
"extraData": "eyJza3VzIjoiIn0=",
"signature": "7b9f4ca728076c32f16041cbc917ebf5e6e7359f0bde343dde3add69a518cf0d",
"transId": 4088878653,
"responseTime": 1721720663942,
"resultCode": 0,
"message": "Successful.",
"payType": "qr",
"requestId": "Request_ID_1721720620078",
"orderInfo": "Thank you for your purchase at MoMo_test"

Partner's response to MoMo after MoMo sends HTTP to the address ipnUrl

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Please note that you need to respond within a 15 seconds time limit

You must validate the IPN signature to verify transaction result. Also it is highly recommended to match the values for notification PartnerCode, OrderId & Amount,... with the ones from your database!

For the resultCode and message fields, partner will handle. Refer to the error code of MoMo to return. MoMo will use these information to give feedback to customers if any error occurs in the payment process from partner side.

Transaction Status Use the resultCode field to determine the transaction status:

  • If resultCode = 0 Transaction succeeded
  • If resultCode = 9000 Transaction is authorized successfully.
  • If resultCode <> 0 Transaction failed

Refer to Result code to identify transaction error details.

For some reasons in cash flow and balance cross-checking, we will not use the returned IPN results from partner to refund the transaction! 💯

Instant Payment Notification

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message sent from the Payment Service Provider (PSP) to the Payment Service Consumer. It uses HTTP protocol and this process is asynchronously.

Why use IPN

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is used to notify transaction results immediately to Payment Service Consumer:

  • QR payment: Web, SmartTv.
  • Online payment
  • Recurring Payment

Merchant can use its system to handle information received from the PSP:

  • Update transaction status (recommended)
  • Update account balance (topup), export products, notify transaction result to mobile app, etc.
  • Send receipt email

Use IPN to fix the case when the payment is successful but users cannot receive what they paid for.


  • User closes browser
  • Unable to redirect to the original purchase page: due to the internet connection, or the overloaded system , etc.

How to execute IPN

Merchant needs to create an API at backend side to 'listen' for the result from MoMo and provide the URL of that API in the ipnUrl field

After user makes a payment on MoMo (web or app), MoMo will notify the result of the transaction immediately to this URL. The merchant's API will receive the payment result and continue the process in merchant system.

Build API

  • HTTP Produces Header: MoMo uses to send HTTP Request Content-Type: application/json

  • HTTP Consumers Header: Merchant responds to MoMo: with HTTP code 204 (No need content)

  • Endpoint: URL should only contain path, parameters must not contain special characters, unicode characters or spaces.