Quick Pay - POS Scanner
Vouchers are supported with these payment methods:
- Quick Pay - POS Scanner
- Scan Dynamic QR Code
The instructions below show how you can process transactions with vouchers by Quick Pay - POS Scanner and how API Configurations operate.
Process Flow
API Configurations
Initiate Transaction
To have complete control of the customer experience, non-hosted payment page will be applied to allow customers enter their payment information directly on your website. In this case, when customer chooses to use this payment method, this API should be called first to initiate a transaction and retrieve the token (used for simplifying other requests following this API).
API information to retrieve token:
Minimum timeout when call this API must be 30s to ensure receive response from MoMo.
POST /v2/gateway/api/tokenization/create
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
subPartnerCode | String | Merchant ID | |
storeId | String | Store ID | |
requestId | String | Request ID, unique for each request, MoMo's partner uses the requestId field for idempotency control | |
orderId | String | OrderId of partner, unique for each request | |
referenceCode | String | Payment code created from MoMo app that is scanned by cashier | |
requestTime | Long | Time partner send request to MoMo. Format: timestamp Example: 1692783998394 | |
lang | String | Language of returned message (vi or en ) | |
signature | String | Signature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z: accessKey=$accessKey&orderId=$orderId&partnerCode= $partnerCode&referenceCode=referenceCode&requestId=$requestId &subPartnerCode=$subPartnerCode |
Example Request
"partnerCode": "MOMO",
"subPartnerCode": "MOMO",
"orderId": "6d0a1b10-b382-11e9-8fda-91fa25841420",
"lang": "vi",
"requestId": "1666756278085id",
"referenceCode" : "1023984137834985578",
"signature": "5344e1f4244173fe0ba2b4c865881aad79b86beff8154b4f74f3b92634ffa711"
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
requestId | String | Same as the original request | |
orderId | String | OrderId of partner, unique for each request | |
responseTime | Long | Time to respond payment results to partner Format: timestamp | |
message | String | Error description, error language is based on lang | |
resultCode | Integer | Result Code | |
token | String | This is the unique transaction token. It's valid for a specific time depending on merchant's account setting | |
promotionInfo | List | List of promotionInfo | |
userInfo | Object | Info of the customer | |
partnerUserId | String | ID of user per merchant/partner |
Details of promotionInfo
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Voucher code - generated by Partner | |
campaignId | String | Campaign id at MoMo | |
name | String | Name of promotion |
Example promotionInfo
"id" : "782354878793",
"campaignId": "36745763473645",
"name" : "Black Friday"
Details of userInfo
If this is provided, customer as MoMo user will be received a notification or email (by choices).
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Name of the customer as registered on merchant site |
Example UserInfo
"name": "Nguyen Van A"
Example Response
"resultCode": 0,
"message": "Giao dịch thành công.",
"partnerCode": "MOMOIOLD20190129",
"orderId": "1666756278085:0123456778",
"requestId": "1666756278085id",
"responseTime": 1666756278549,
"token": "bd9ba8e038cda3cd87887bf3e9d9e258757a0d1333cbb68babbfd0e3",
"promotionInfo": [
"id" : "782354878793",
"campaignId": "36745763473645",
"name" : "Black Friday"
"userInfo": {
"name": "*** HUY"
"partnerUserId": "834ASDF"
Pay using Token
Minimum timeout when call this API must be 10s to ensure receive response from MoMo.
POST /v2/gateway/api/tokenization/pay
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
subPartnerCode | String | Sub partner Id | |
partnerClientId | String | Identifier of user. Default value is empty "" | |
storeId | String | Store ID | |
orderId | String | Partner Transaction ID Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$ | |
originalAmount | Long | The amount before discount. | |
amount | Long | Payment amountMin: 1.000 VND Payment amountMax: 30.000.000 VND Currency: VND . | |
requestId | String(50) | Request ID, unique for each request, MoMo's partner uses the requestId field for idempotency control | |
tokenType | String | oneTime | |
token | String | Encrypt a object json by RSA using public Key RSA Encryption | |
orderInfo | String | Short information | |
orderGroupId | Long | The orderGroupId will be provided by MoMo to classify groups of orders for further operational activities. Please contact MoMo to use this field. | |
autoCapture | Boolean | If set to false, the payment will not be automatically captured. | |
items | List | List of Item | |
promotionList | List | List of promotionList | |
feeList | List | List of fee info | |
requestTime | Long | Time partner send request to MoMo. Format: timestamp Example: 1692783998394 | |
extraData | String | Default value is empty "" Encode base64 follow Jsonformat: {"key": "value"} Example with data: {"username": "momo"} => data of extraData : eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0= | |
lang | String | Language of returned message (vi or en ) | |
signature | String | Signature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with format, a String sort all key name of data field from a-z: accessKey=$accessKey&amount=$amount&extraData=$extraData &orderId=$orderId&orderInfo=$orderInfo&partnerClientId= $partnerClientId&partnerCode=$partnerCode&requestId= $requestId&token=$token |
Details of an items
It is not required to add items. Howvever, each item added must have these fixed keys:
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | SKU number | |
name | String | Name of the product | |
description | String | Description of the product | |
category | String | Product classification/Product category | |
imageUrl | String | Link image of product | |
manufacturer | String | Name of manufacturer | |
price | Long | Unit price Currency: VND | |
currency | String | VND | |
quantity | Integer | Quantity number of the product. It must be greater than 0 | |
unit | String | The units of measurement used for products | |
totalPrice | Long | Total price = price x quantity | |
taxAmount | Long | Total amount of tax |
Example Item
"id": "204727",
"name": "YOMOST Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml",
"description": "YOMOST Sua Chua Uong Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml/1 Hop",
"category": "beverage",
"price": 11000,
"quantity": 5,
"totalPrice": 55000,
Details of fee info
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
amount | Long | Amount be charge by fee | |
type | String | Type of fee |
Example fee info
"amount" : 1000,
"type" : "tax"
Details of promotionList
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Voucher code - generated by Partner | |
campaignId | String | Campaign id at MoMo | |
amount | Long | The discount amount of voucher |
Example promotionList
"id" : "782354878793",
"campaignId": "36745763473645",
"amount" : 10000
Data of token before encrypted
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
value | String | Token Value |
Example request
"token": "sa5s4a54s5a4s5a4s5",
"partnerCode": "MOMO_ATM_DEV",
"subPartnerCode": "MOMO_ATM_DEV",
"storeId": "MoMo test store",
"partnerClientId": "",
"orderId": "12545465654656",
"originalAmount": "20000",
"amount": "20000",
"lang": "vi",
"autoCapture": true,
"orderInfo": "Thanh toan MoMo",
"requestId": "365656d56sd",
"tokenType": "oneTime",
"items": [
"id": "204727",
"name": "YOMOST Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml",
"description": "YOMOST Sua Chua Uong Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml/1 Hop",
"category": "beverage",
"imageUrl": "https://momo.vn/uploads/product1.jpg",
"manufacturer": "Vinamilk",
"price": 11000,
"quantity": 5,
"unit": "hộp",
"totalPrice": 55000,
"taxAmount": "200"
"promotionList": [
"id" : "782354878793",
"name" : "Black Friday",
"amount" : 1000000,
"type" : "voucher"
"id" : "782354878793",
"name" : "Black Friday",
"amount" : 1000000,
"type" : "membership",
"rate" : "0.5"
"feeList" : [
"amount" : 1000,
"type" : "fee"
"amount" : 1123,
"type" : "tax"
"extraData": "",
"signature": "2512s1d2s1ds21d2s1d1ce5d1a251#@"
HTTP Response
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
partnerCode | String | Integration information | |
orderId | String | Partner Transaction ID Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$ entification | |
requestId | String | Each Request’s Identification | |
amount | Long | Amount to pay | |
transId | Long | MoMo's transaction ID | |
responseTime | Long | Time to respond payment results to partner Format: timestamp | |
partnerClientId | String | Vendor’s unique identifier for each user (e.g.: user ID or email). This ID will be linked with end-user’s MoMo account. | |
resultCode | Integer | Order status | |
message | String | Result description, language is based on lang | |
promotionInfo | List | The data to identify the promotion campaign in which the voucher(s) was applied in the payment transaction, with fixed keys for each voucher Default value is null |
Details of promotionInfo
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
amount | Long | Discount amount of payment | |
amountSponsor | Long | Discount amount sponsor of merchant | |
voucherId | String | ID of the voucher/ campaign | |
voucherType | String | Percent | |
voucherName | String | Name of the voucher/ campaign | |
merchantRate | String | Merchant rate of the voucher/ campaign |
Example response
"partnerCode": "MOMORSDU20220527",
"orderId": "235_1713267813811",
"requestId": "1713267813811",
"amount": 20000,
"responseTime": 1713267823260,
"message": "Thành công.",
"resultCode": 0,
"transId": 3212233480,
"partnerClientId": "",
"promotionInfo": [
"amount": 10000,
"amountSponsor": 6000,
"voucherId": "uat_100424_athena_circlek_mr60_10k",
"voucherType": "percent",
"voucherName": "CircleK - Giảm 10K cho đơn từ 0đ (100056,302383) MR60",
"merchantRate": "60"
Notify the status of voucher redemption
Partner makes a request to this API to notify MoMo about the status of voucher redemption.
HTTP Request
Variable | Type | Description |
partnerId | String | ID of Merchant on MoMo |
momoCampaignId | String | ID of the promotion campaign on MoMo |
Parameter description
Property | Type | Required | Description |
voucherCode | String | Voucher code - generated by Partner | |
userPhoneNumber | String | User's phone number who redeemed voucher Default value is empty "" | |
momoTransactionId | String | MoMo's Transaction ID | |
partnerTransactionId | String | Your Transaction ID/ orderId | |
redeemStatus | Enum | Voucher redemption result: - SUCCESS - FAIL | |
saleInfo | Object | Detail of order that applied voucher |
Details of saleInfo
Property | Type | Required | Description |
posId | String | Your POS identity | |
posName | String | Your POS name | |
tranDate | Long | Transaction date | |
originalAmount | Double | The bill amount before discount | |
serviceCharge | Double | Service charge percent, value mus be less than or equal to 1, default 0. | |
serviceChargeAmount | Double | Service charge amount | |
shipFeeAmount | Double | Shipping fee | |
vatAmount | Double | VAT fee amount | |
billAmount | Double | Total order amount. billAmount = originalAmount + serviceChargeAmount + shipFeeAmount + vatAmount | |
discountAmount | Double | Voucher discount amount | |
totalAmount | Double | Total amount user must pay (after applying voucher). totalAmount = billAmount - discountAmount | |
paymentMethod | String | Payment method of order: - MOMOSCANNER: Quick Pay - POS Scanner - MOMOQR: User scan dynamic QR code - CASH - CREDIT_CARD - VIETQR |
HTTP Response
Property | Type | Description |
status | string | See convention for common status code |
message | string | The description of the above status code |
formErrors | object | Described below. This property is set on status = FAIL and http status code is 400 |
Example of a Request
"voucherCode": "E61HE61J",
"userPhoneNumber": "0915013325",
"momoTransactionId": "48479590245",
"partnerTransactionId": "KBJ6G2N4J1R2ENY7IVG7BOT0",
"redeemStatus": "SUCCESS",
"saleInfo": {
"posId": "17130",
"posName": "iPOS.vn - Văn Phòng",
"tranId": "KBJ6G2N4J1R2ENY7IVG7BOT0",
"tranDate": 1702961170,
"originalAmount": 123000,
"serviceCharge": 0.08,
"serviceChargeAmount": 9840,
"shipFeeAmount": 3000,
"vatAmount": 5000,
"billAmount": 140840,
"discountAmount": 20000,
"totalAmount": 103000,
"paymentMethod": "MOMOQR"
Result Codes & Messages
These result codes and messages are exclusively assigned for the Payments onetime-token. Additionally, kindly locate other result codes and messages in the comprehensive list of result codes provided here.