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Check Transaction Status

This API gets the transaction status corresponding to requested OrderId for specific merchant.

Minimum timeout when call this API must be 30s to ensure receive response from MoMo.

HTTP Request

POST /v2/gateway/api/query

partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringUnique ID of each request
orderIdStringID of order that needs to be checked.
langStringLanguage of returned message (vi or en)
signatureStringSignature to check information. Use Hmac_SHA256 algorithm with data in format: accessKey=$accessKey&orderId=$orderId&partnerCode=$partnerCode

Example request

"partnerCode": "123456",
"requestId": "1527246504579",
"orderId": "1527246478428",
"signature": "13be80957a5ee32107198920fa26aa85a4ca238a29f46e292e8c33dd9186142a",
"lang": "en"
HTTP Response
partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringUnique ID of each request
orderIdStringPartner Transaction ID
Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$
extraDataStringExtra Data. Default: value transmitted by merchant in captureWallet API
amountLongPayment amount
transIdLongMoMo's transaction ID
payTypeStringPayment method. web or qr. Default: "" if it is not a payment
resultCodeintResult Code
refundTransListList of refund transactions
messageStringError description based on lang
responseTimeLongTime to respond payment results to partner
Format: timestamp
paymentOptionStringAccount/Card has been used to pay for the transaction: momo,pay_later
promotionInfoListThe data to identify the promotion campaign in which the voucher(s) was applied in the payment transaction, with fixed keys for each voucher
Default value is null
Details of promotionInfo
amountLongDiscount amount of payment
amountSponsorLongDiscount amount sponsor of merchant
voucherIdStringID of the voucher/ campaign
voucherNameStringName of the voucher/ campaign
merchantRateStringMerchant rate of the voucher/ campaign