Nhảy tới nội dung

Scan Dynamic QR Code

Vouchers are supported with these payment methods:

  • Quick Pay - POS Scanner
  • Scanning Dynamic QR Code

The instructions below show how you can process transactions with vouchers when user scan your Dynamic QR Code and how API Configurations operate. With this payment method, you should provide MoMo an API to validate voucher before user make a transaction.

Process Flow


API Configurations

Initiate payment method

On the Merchant's POS, after customers choose to pay with MoMo e-wallet, POS server needs to call MoMo's API captureWallet to get payment methods and then apply suitable ones to their platforms.

requestType: Identify the type of the request

Minimum timeout when call this API must be 30s to ensure receive response from MoMo.

HTTP Request

POST /v2/gateway/api/create

partnerCodeStringIntegration information
subPartnerCodeStringSub partner Id
storeIdStringStore ID
requestIdString(50)Request ID, unique for each request,
MoMo's partner uses the requestId field for idempotency control
amountLongAmount needs to be paid
Min: 1.000 VND
Max: 50.000.000 VND
Currency: VND
Data type: Long
orderIdStringPartner Transaction ID
Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$
orderInfoStringOrder's information
orderGroupIdLongThe orderGroupId will be provided by MoMo to classify groups of orders for further operational activities. Please contact MoMo to use this field.
redirectUrlStringA partner's URL. This URL is used to redirect from MoMo page to partner's page after customer's payment.
Support: AppLink and WebLink
ipnUrlStringPartner API. Used by MoMo to submit payment results by IPN method (server-to-server) method
extraDataStringDefault value is empty ""
Encode base64 follow Jsonformat: {"key": "value"}
Example with data: {"username": "momo"}=> data of extraData: eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=
itemsListList of products displayed on the payment page. Maximum: 50 items
deliveryInfoObjectDelivery info of this order
userInfoObjectInfo of the customer
autoCaptureBooleanIf set to false, the payment will not be automatically captured.
langStringLanguage of returned message (vi or en)
signatureStringSignature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256 with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z:
Details of an item

It is not required to add items. Howvever, each item added must have these fixed keys:

idStringSKU number
nameStringName of the product
descriptionStringDescription of the product
categoryStringProduct classification/Product category
imageUrlStringLink image of product
manufacturerStringName of manufacturer
priceLongUnit price
quantityIntegerQuantity number of the product. It must be greater than 0
unitStringThe units of measurement used for products
totalPriceLongTotal price = price x quantity
taxAmountLongTotal amount of tax

Example of Item
"id": "204727",
"name": "YOMOST Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml",
"description": "YOMOST Sua Chua Uong Bac Ha&Viet Quat 170ml/1 Hop",
"category": "beverage",
"price": 11000,
"quantity": 5,
"totalPrice": 55000,

Details of deliveryInfo
deliveryAddressStringDelivery address
deliveryFeeStringDelivery fee
quantityStringQuantity of product

Example of deliveryInfo
"deliveryAddress": "Phu My Hung Tower",
"deliveryFee": "30000",
"quantity": "2"

Details of userInfo content

If this is provided, customer as MoMo user will be receive a notification or email (by choices).

nameStringName of the customer as registered on merchant site
phoneNumberStringPhone number of the customer as registered on merchant site
emailStringEmail address of the customer as registered on merchant site

Example of userInfo
"name": "Nguyen Van A",
"phoneNumber": "0999888999",
"email": "email_add@domain.com"

Example Request
"partnerCode": "MOMO",
"partnerName" : "Test",
"storeId" : "MoMoTestStore",
"requestType": "captureWallet",
"ipnUrl": "https://momo.vn",
"redirectUrl": "https://momo.vn",
"orderId": "MM1540456472575",
"amount": 150000,
"lang": "vi",
"orderInfo": "SDK team.",
"requestId": "MM1540456472575",
"extraData": "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=",
"signature": "fd37abbee777e13eaa0d0690d184e4d7e2fb43977281ab0e20701721f07a0e07"

Try yourself

HTTP Response
partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringSame as the original request
orderIdStringPartner Transaction ID
amountLongSame as the original payment amount
responseTimeLongTime to respond payment results to partner
Format: timestamp
messageStringError description, error language is based on lang
resultCodeintResult Code
payUrlStringURL for switching from the partner's page to the MoMo payment page
deeplinkStringURL to open MoMo application directly (Customers must install MoMo app first) and payment confirmation screen.
If you have problem opening deeplink in android 11, please see the tutorial
qrCodeUrlStringData to generate QR code if you want customers to scan the QR code directly on your purchase page or to print it on the invoice.
Note: This URL is NOT containing the image of the QR code, you need to use an external library to generate the QR code.
deeplinkMiniAppStringURL to open the MoMo app's payment confirmation screen. Apply when partner's website is embedded into MoMo app.
signatureStringSignature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256 with format:

On the production environment: You need to request permission to use qrCodeUrl, deeplink,deeplinkMiniApp fields.

Example of a Response
"partnerCode": "MOMO",
"requestId": "MM1540456472575",
"orderId": "MM1540456472575",
"amount": 150000,
"responseTime": 145256987,
"message": "Thành công",
"resultCode": 0,
"payUrl": "https://test-payment.momo.vn/v2/gateway/pay?t=TU9NT1NKSTEyMDE5MDgyM3wxNjEzNTMyMDk3OTIyOjAxMjM0NTY3Nzg=",
"deeplink": "momo://?action=payWithAppToken&amount=150000&fee=0&requestType=payment&orderLabel=M%C3%A3+%C4%91%C6%A1n+h%C3%A0ng&orderId=MM1540456472575&requestId=MM1540456472575&merchantnamelabel=Nh%C3%A0+cung+c%E1%BA%A5p&description=SDK+team.&partnerCode=MOMO&merchantcode=MOMO&language=vi&merchantname=MoMo+Payment&packageId=&extras=&extraData=email=abc@gmail.com&deeplinkCallback=https%3A%2F%2Ftest-payment.momo.vn%2Fgw_payment%2Fm2%3Fid%3DM7EWVy&callbackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Ftest-payment.momo.vn%2Fgw_payment%2Fm2%3Fid%3DM7EWVy&urlSubmitToken=https%3A%2F%2Ftest-payment.momo.vn%2Fgw_payment%2Fpayment_with_app%3FpartnerCode%3DMOMO%26accessKey%3DF8BBA842ECF85%26requestId%3DMM1540456472575%26orderId%3DMM1540456472575%26orderInfo%3DSDK%2Bteam.%26amount%3D150000%26signature%3Ddf2a347519abb91e9c1bd1bee80e675f4108cb6dbcac531979e805857293d486%26requestType%3DcaptureWallet%26payType%3Dapp-in-app&appScheme=",
"qrCodeUrl": "https://test-payment.momo.vn/gw_payment/s/zoVKZd"

Validate voucher

Merchants can be categorized into two groups:

  • Merchants that have VAT included in item prices. Voucher is applied after VAT.
  • Merchants that have VAT not included in item prices. Voucher is applied before VAT. In addition to VAT, some restaurants have service fee, shipping fee, etc. which are added to the bill after the voucher discount. In Voucher Distribution, Partner will take charge of Validating voucher conditions and Calculating voucher discount based on your own specialties. The voucher discount calculation method is different between two groups. The solution in this document can cover for both groups of Merchants. HTTP Request

GET <your endpoint>

partnerCodestringID of Merchant on MoMo
campaignIdstringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo
saleTranIdstringThe order number orderId that MoMo received from Partner on create payment.
voucherCodestringVoucher code - generated by Partner

Authorization Type Use one of the following Auth Type:

  • Basic Auth
  • API Key
  • Bearer Token Token expireTime = 604800000 ms And when MoMo requests a new token, the previously valid token will not expire immediately.

Example request param

<your endpoint>?partnerCode={partnerCode}&campaignId={campaignId}&saleTranId={saleTransId}&voucherCode={voucherCode}

HTTP Response

HTTP Status Code: 200

isValidBooleanTo specify whether the voucher is applicable for this order
usedBillAmountIntegerTotal bill amount that initiated the transaction
originalBillAmountIntegerThe bill amount before VAT and other restaurant fees, which is used to deduct the voucher. Only required when VAT is not included in item prices. In other cases, default value is null.
usedDiscountAmountIntegerThe discount amount of voucher. In case the bill is not eligible to apply voucher, response usedDiscountAmount = 0.
partnerVatAndFeeAmountIntegerTotal amount of VAT and other restaurant fees at Partner. Only required when VAT is not included in item prices. In other cases, default value is null. Currency: VND For example:
VAT: 10.000 VND
Service fee: 25.000 VND
Shipping fee: 15.000 VND
partnerVatAndFeeAmount: 50.000 VND
finalBillAmountIntegerTotal bill amount after discount that needs to be paid.
messageStringError message when applying the voucher
errorCodeIntegerError code, as described below

Example of a Voucher applied successfully - case VAT is included in item prices
"isValid": true,
"usedBillAmount": 110000,
"usedDiscountAmount": 40000,
"finalBillAmount": 70000,
"message": "Success.",
"errorCode": 0

Example of a Voucher applied successfully - case VAT is not included in item prices
"isValid": true,
"usedBillAmount": 110000,
"originalBillAmount": 100000,
"usedDiscountAmount": 40000,
"partnerVatAndFeeAmount": 6000,
"finalBillAmount": 66000,
"message": "Success.",
"errorCode": 0

Example of a Voucher applied failed
"isValid": false,
"usedBillAmount": 10000,
"usedDiscountAmount": 0,
"finalBillAmount": 10000,
"message": "Đã áp dụng chương trình giảm giá khác, không thể áp dụng thẻ quà.",
"errorCode": -1111124

Error Codes and Messages of API validate voucher

Error CodesDescriptionTypeError Message for users
-2Request timeout.System errorĐã xảy ra lỗi trong quá trình xử lý. Quý khách vui lòng thử lại.
-25Unknown errorSystem errorĐã có lỗi trong quá trình xử lý. Chúng tôi ghi nhận và sẽ khắc phục sớm.
-501The voucher is already expired.User errorThẻ quà tặng đã hết hạn vào lúc ${endAt}. Vui lòng kiểm tra thông tin thẻ quà.
-502The voucher is already used.User errorThẻ quà tặng đã được sử dụng.
-504The bill amount is not sufficient enough to apply voucher.User errorThẻ quà chỉ áp dụng cho giá trị thanh toán từ ${minBillValue} trở lên.
-508Request has more than 1 voucher.System errorBạn không thể sử dụng nhiều thẻ quà trong cùng một thời điểm.
-509The voucher has not started to be used.User errorThẻ quà chưa đến thời gian áp dụng. Vui lòng kiểm tra thông tin thẻ quà.
-100008The voucher is not applicable to the selected store.User errorThẻ quà không áp dụng cho cửa hàng đã chọn. Kiểm tra thông tin thẻ quà.
-100012The voucher has an configuration error.System errorThẻ quà bị lỗi cấu hình. Vui lòng liên hệ CSKH để được hỗ trợ!
-100014No suitable vouchers for the transaction.System errorRất tiếc, chưa có thẻ quà nào phù hợp cho giao dịch của bạn!
-1111111The voucher can not be applied due to a technical error.System errorThẻ quà chưa thể áp dụng do lỗi kĩ thuật. Quý khách vui lòng thử lại.
-1111118The voucher is locked on Partner's system.System errorThẻ quà hiện đang tạm khoá.
-1111119Exceed the limit of voucher redemption per user.User errorThẻ quà chỉ áp dụng 1 lần đối với mỗi người dùng.
-1111120Exceed the total limit of voucher redemption.User errorRất tiếc! Số lượt sử dụng thẻ quà đã hết.
-1111121The voucher is inapplicable to this channel.User errorThẻ quà không áp dụng trên kênh này. Vui lòng kiểm tra thông tin thẻ quà.
-1111124Another voucher is being applied on Partner's system, user can not apply the selected voucher.User errorĐã áp dụng chương trình giảm giá khác, không thể áp dụng thẻ quà.
-1111125Invalid transaction data.User errorKhông tìm thấy thông tin hóa đơn. Quý khách vui lòng thử lại.
-100015Default error codeSystem errorGiao dịch chưa thỏa điều kiện thẻ quà. Kiểm tra thông tin thẻ quà.


You need to install MoMo Test app and use MoMo TEST Account to process payment.

Payment guideline: Login > Home screen > Scan QR.

Processing payment result

For more information, see Payment Notification.

Parameter description

Description for parameters which are used by MoMo in the URL redirectUrl and the body content of ipnUrl.

partnerCodeStringIntegration Information
orderIdStringPartner Transaction ID
requestIdStringPartner's requestId
amountLongPayment amount
partnerUserIdStringMoMo's unique identifier for each MoMo eWallet account.
orderInfoStringOrder's information
transIdLongMoMo's transaction ID
resultCodeIntegerTransaction status of the order Result Code
messageStringError description, languague is based on lang
payTypeStringPayment type: webApp, app,qror miniapp
responseTimeLongTime to respond payment results to partner
Format: timestamp
extraDataStringExtra Data. Default: ""
signatureStringSignature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256  algorithm with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z:
promotionInfoListThe data to identify the promotion campaign in which the voucher(s) was applied in the payment transaction, with fixed keys for each voucher
Default value is null
Details of promotionInfo
amountLongDiscount amount of payment
amountSponsorLongDiscount amount sponsor of merchant
voucherIdStringVoucher code - generated by Partner
hoặc ID of the voucher/ campaign (voucher MoMo)
voucherTypeStringvoucher_partner hoặc Percent (voucher MoMo)
voucherNameStringName of the voucher/ campaign
merchantRateStringMerchant rate of the voucher/ campaign

Example IPN
"orderType": "momo_wallet",
"amount": 111000,
"partnerCode": "MOMOHIUI20181015",
"orderId": "VEQQL9KN2IW5XMUC3FYI",
"signature": "e1b7aff328e97d3ad36cc49d1dc3b55771610fc917ede8a85e2111c863106e7a",
"transId": 4028289695,
"responseTime": 1713860057901,
"resultCode": 0,
"promotionInfo": [
"amount": 16650,
"voucherId": "64MW64FI",
"voucherType": "voucher_ipos",
"voucherName": "Laville - Giảm 15% tối đa 20K cho đơn từ 100K"
"amount": 10000,
"amountSponsor": 6000,
"voucherId": "uat_100424_athena_circlek_mr60_10k",
"voucherType": "percent",
"voucherName": "Giảm 10K Cho đơn từ 0đ",
"merchantRate": "60"
"message": "Thành công.",
"payType": "qr",
"requestId": "1713859677588MGQVEQQL9KN2IW5XMUC3FYI",
"orderInfo": "VEQQL9KN2IW5XMUC3FYI",
"partnerUserId": "MT6ZiJDTnuWojnCfQAedcNaCxLPVPGk1s7g"

Notify the status of voucher redemption

Partner makes a request to this API to notify MoMo about the status of voucher redemption.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/merchants/{partnerId}/campaigns/{momoCampaignId}/vouchers/redeem-status

partnerIdStringID of Merchant on MoMo
momoCampaignIdStringID of the promotion campaign on MoMo

Parameter description
voucherCodeStringVoucher code - generated by Partner
userPhoneNumberStringUser's phone number who redeemed voucher
Default value is empty ""
momoTransactionIdStringMoMo's Transaction ID
partnerTransactionIdStringYour Transaction ID/ orderId
redeemStatusEnumVoucher redemption result:
saleInfoObjectDetail of order that applied voucher
Details of saleInfo
posIdStringYour POS identity
posNameStringYour POS name
tranDateLongTransaction date
originalAmountDoubleThe bill amount before discount
serviceChargeDoubleService charge percent, value mus be less than or equal to 1, default 0.
serviceChargeAmountDoubleService charge amount
shipFeeAmountDoubleShipping fee
vatAmountDoubleVAT fee amount
billAmountDoubleTotal order amount.
billAmount = originalAmount + serviceChargeAmount + shipFeeAmount + vatAmount
discountAmountDoubleVoucher discount amount
totalAmountDoubleTotal amount user must pay (after applying voucher).
totalAmount = billAmount - discountAmount
paymentMethodStringPayment method of order:
- MOMOSCANNER: Quick Pay - POS Scanner
- MOMOQR: User scan dynamic QR code

HTTP Response
statusstringSee convention for common status code
messagestringThe description of the above status code
formErrorsobjectDescribed below. This property is set on status = FAIL and http status code is 400

Example request
"voucherCode": "E61HE61J",
"userPhoneNumber": "0915013325",
"momoTransactionId": "48479590245",
"partnerTransactionId": "KBJ6G2N4J1R2ENY7IVG7BOT0",
"redeemStatus": "SUCCESS",
"saleInfo": {
"posId": "17130",
"posName": "iPOS.vn - Văn Phòng",
"tranId": "KBJ6G2N4J1R2ENY7IVG7BOT0",
"tranDate": 1702961170,
"originalAmount": 123000,
"serviceCharge": 0.08,
"serviceChargeAmount": 9840,
"shipFeeAmount": 3000,
"vatAmount": 5000,
"billAmount": 140840,
"discountAmount": 20000,
"totalAmount": 103000,
"paymentMethod": "MOMOQR"

Result Codes & Messages of API payment

Kindly locate result codes and messages of One-time Payments AIO in the comprehensive list of result codes provided here.

See also