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Buy Now, Pay Later

Process Flow


API Configuration

HTTP Information

Your permissions need included payWithInstallmentFlik (request permission to use) to use these APIs.

Get Installment Information

  • If merchant provide interface for user to choose installment plan on their website or app, calling this api is required to get information of installment plans.
  • Otherwise, If merchant don't provide interface for user to choose installment plan, and want end user choose installment plan on their MoMo app, merchant can skip calling this api and call api Initiate Installment Method directly.

HTTP Request

POST /v2/gateway/api/installment/getInfo

partnerCodeString(20)Merchant ID Integration information
partnerNameStringPartner name
requestIdString(50)Request ID, unique for each request.
orderIdStringOrder ID, unique for each request
orderGroupIdLongThe orderGroupId will be provided by MoMo to classify groups of orders for further operational activities. Please contact MoMo to use this field.
amountLongAmount needs to be paid (Total value of installment orders must be from 200.000VND)
Currency: VND
Data type: Long
userInfoObjectUser Information
deliveryInfoObjectDelivery Info
installmentRequestObjectShort installment request.
itemsListList items.
langString(20)Language return: vi or en
signatureString(65)Signature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256  algorithm with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z:

Data of userInfo

phoneNumberStringPhone number
emailStringEmail of user
nameStringName of user

Data of deliveryInfo

deliveryAddressStringDelivery address
deliveryFeeLongDelivery fee
quantityLongQuantity of product

Data of installmentRequest

installmentTypeStringpayInOrder : Installment apply for all Item
payInItem : Installment apply for each Item

Data of each items

idStringThe Id of item.
nameStringThe name of item.
descriptionStringThe description of item.
categoryStringThe type of item.
quantityIntegerQuantity number of each item. It must be greater than 0
priceLongPrice of single unit item
totalAmountLongprice x quantity
purchaseAmountLongThe amount need to be purchased
isInstallmentBoolean- True: Installment.
- False: Pay now.
Require if installmentRequest.installmentType = payInItem
manufacturerStringName of manufacturer
imeiStringThe imei of item.
barCodeStringThe barCode of item.
serialNumberStringThe serialNumber of item.
imageUrlStringLink image of product.

Example Request

Installment level: Order
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"amount": "200000",
"deliveryInfo": {
"deliveryAddress": "Phu My Hung Tower",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"quantity": 2
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInOrder"
"items": [
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 200000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 200000,
"purchaseAmount": 200000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"
Installment level: Item
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"amount": "200000",
"deliveryInfo": {
"deliveryAddress": "Phu My Hung Tower",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"quantity": 2
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInItem"
"items": [ // must be have at least item with isInstallment = true
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 200000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 200000,
"purchaseAmount": 200000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312",
"isInstallment": true // installment item
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312",
"isInstallment": false // paynow item
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"

HTTP Response

partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringSame as the original request
orderIdStringSame as the original request
resultCodeintError code
responseTimeLongTime to respond payment results to partner Format: timestamp
messageStringError description, error language is based on lang
installmentResponseJson ObjectShort order information
itemsListList items. Empty if installmentRequest.installmentType = payInOrder
installmentTermsListList installment terms. Empty if installmentRequest.installmentType = payInItem

Data of installmentResponse

installmentTypeStringInstallment type in request

Data of items

idStringThe Id of item.
installmentTermsListList installment terms.

Data of each installmentTerms

installmentTermStringThe Id of installment term.
installmentTermNameStringThe name installment term.
itemAmountLongAmount of item.
interestAmountLongInterest amount.
insAmountLongInstallment amount.
principalAmountLongPrincipal amount.
dpPercentDoubleDown payment percent.
dpAmountLongDown payment amount.
emiLongTotal amount each tenor.
lastEmiLongAmount of last tenor.
aprDoubleInterest rate(%)/year.
tenorIntegerThe number of tenor.

Example Response

Installment level: Order
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"requestId": "RE1668668127798",
"resultCode": 0,
"message": "Giao dịch thành công.",
"responseTime": 1668668434082,
"installmentResponse": {
"installmentType": "payInOrder"
"items": [],
"installmentTerms": [
"installmentTerm": "payIn30",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 30 ngày",
"itemAmount": 400000,
"interestAmount": 0,
"insAmount": 400000,
"principalAmount": 400000,
"dpPercent": 0.0,
"dpAmount": 0,
"emi": 400000,
"lastEmi": 400000,
"tenor": 1,
"apr": 0.0
"installmentTerm": "payIn4",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 4 kỳ",
"itemAmount": 405016,
"interestAmount": 5016,
"insAmount": 305016,
"principalAmount": 300000,
"dpPercent": 25.0,
"dpAmount": 100000,
"emi": 101672,
"lastEmi": 101672,
"tenor": 3,
"apr": 10.0
"installmentTerm": "payIn3",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 3 kỳ",
"itemAmount": 400000,
"interestAmount": 0,
"insAmount": 400000,
"principalAmount": 400000,
"dpPercent": 0.0,
"dpAmount": 0,
"emi": 133334,
"lastEmi": 133332,
"tenor": 3,
"apr": 0.0
Installment level: Item
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"resultCode": 0,
"message": "Giao dịch thành công.",
"responseTime": 1668668721659,
"installmentResponse": {
"installmentType": "payInItem"
"items": [
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"installmentTerms": [
"installmentTerm": "payIn30",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 30 ngày",
"itemAmount": 200000,
"interestAmount": 0,
"insAmount": 200000,
"principalAmount": 200000,
"dpPercent": 0.0,
"dpAmount": 0,
"emi": 200000,
"lastEmi": 200000,
"tenor": 1,
"apr": 0.0
"installmentTerm": "payIn4",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 4 kỳ",
"itemAmount": 202508,
"interestAmount": 2508,
"insAmount": 152508,
"principalAmount": 150000,
"dpPercent": 25.0,
"dpAmount": 50000,
"emi": 50836,
"lastEmi": 50836,
"tenor": 3,
"apr": 10.0
"installmentTerm": "payIn3",
"installmentTermName": "Trả góp trong 3 kỳ",
"itemAmount": 200000,
"interestAmount": 0,
"insAmount": 200000,
"principalAmount": 200000,
"dpPercent": 0.0,
"dpAmount": 0,
"emi": 66667,
"lastEmi": 66666,
"tenor": 3,
"apr": 0.0
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"installmentTerms": [
"installmentTerm": "payNow",
"installmentTermName": "Trả thẳng",
"interestAmount": 0,
"insAmount": 0,
"dpAmount": 100000,
"emi": 0,
"tenor": 0,
"apr": 0.0
"installmentTerms": []

Initiate Installment Method

HTTP Request

POST /v2/gateway/api/create

partnerCodeString(20)Merchant ID Integration information
subPartnerCodeStringSub partner Id
partnerNameStringPartner name
storeIdStringStore ID
requestIdString(50)Request ID, unique for each request, MoMo's partner uses the requestId field for idempotency control
orderIdStringPartner Transaction ID
Regex: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]([-_.]*[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*$
amountLongAmount needs to be paid
Min: 200.000 VND
Max: 50.000.000 VND
Currency: VND
Data type: Long
orderInfoString(200)Order info from merchant
orderGroupIdLongThe orderGroupId will be provided by MoMo to classify groups of orders for further operational activities. Please contact MoMo to use this field.
redirectUrlString(200)MoMo Payment will redirect end-user back to Merchant using this URL, to notify result for end-user using HTTP GET request type
ipnUrlString(200)MoMo Payment will notify this URL. Merchant server needs to build this URL to receive results sent from MoMo, using HTTP POST request type with header application/json.
autoCaptureBooleanIf set to false, the payment will not be automatically captured.
extraDataStringDefault value is empty ""
Encode base64 follow Json Format: {"key": "value"}
Example with data: {"username": "momo"}=> data of extraData: eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=
userInfoObjectUser Information
deliveryInfoObjectDelivery Info
installmentRequestObjectShort installment request.
itemsListThe list of items
langString(20)Language return: vi or en
signatureString(65)Signature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256  algorithm with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z:
Data of deliveryInfo
deliveryAddressStringDelivery address
deliveryFeeLongDelivery fee
inStorePickUpBoolean- True : If users pickup their good at store or drop-off ponit
- False : If users expect their goods to be delivered at their place
descriptionStringThe description of item.

Data of userInfo

phoneNumberStringPhone number.
emailStringEmail of user.
nameStringName of user.

Data of installmentRequest

installmentTypeStringpayInOrder : Installment apply for all Item
payInItem : Installment apply for each Item
installmentTermString- If installmentRequest.installmentType = payInOrder and choose installment plan on Merchant site value must be in:
payIn3 : pay in 3 installment
payIn4 : pay in 4 installment
payIn30 : pay later in 30 days
- If installmentRequest.installmentType = payInOrder and choose installment plan on MoMo App value must be null.
- If installmentRequest.installmentType = payInItem value must be null.

Data of each item

idStringThe Id of item.
nameStringThe name of item.
descriptionStringThe description of item.
categoryStringThe type of item.
quantityIntegerQuantity number of each item. It must be greater than 0
priceLongPrice of single unit item
totalAmountLongprice x quantity
purchaseAmountLongThe amount need to be purchased
isInstallmentBoolean- True: Installment.
- False: Pay now.
Require if installmentRequest.installmentType = payInItem
installmentTermStringInstallment term.
Require if installmentRequest.installmentType = payInItem and isInstallment = true.
Not null if choose installment plan on Merchant site, if choose installment plan on MoMo App value must be null.
manufacturerStringName of manufacturer.
imeiStringThe imei of item.
barCodeStringThe barCode of item.
serialNumberStringThe serialNumber of item.
imageUrlStringLink image of product.
Example Request
Installment level: Order and choose installment plan on Merchant site
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"orderId": "OD1668668711653",
"orderInfo": "Thanh toán hóa đơn OD1668586204144",
"extraData": "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=",
"amount": "360000",
"redirectUrl": "",
"ipnUrl": "",
"autoCapture": "false",
"deliveryInfo": {
"deliveryAddress": "123 Nguyen Trai, Phuong 1, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"inStorePickUp" : true,
"description": "Phi giao hang"
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInOrder",
"installmentTerm": "payIn4" // not null
"items": [
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 230000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 230000,
"purchaseAmount": 230000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"
Installment level: Order and choose installment plan on MoMo App
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"orderId": "OD1668668711653",
"orderInfo": "Thanh toán hóa đơn OD1668586204144",
"extraData": "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=",
"amount": "360000",
"redirectUrl": "",
"ipnUrl": "",
"autoCapture": "false",
"deliveryAddress": "123 Nguyen Trai, Phuong 1, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"inStorePickUp" : true,
"description": "Phi giao hang"
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInOrder",
// remove installmentTerm
"items": [
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 230000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 230000,
"purchaseAmount": 230000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"
Installment level: Item and choose installment plan on Merchant site
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"orderId": "OD1668668711653",
"orderInfo": "Thanh toán hóa đơn OD1668586204144",
"extraData": "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=",
"amount": "360000",
"redirectUrl": "",
"ipnUrl": "",
"autoCapture": "false",
"deliveryAddress": "123 Nguyen Trai, Phuong 1, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"inStorePickUp" : true,
"description": "Phi giao hang"
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInItem"
"items": [ // must be have at least item with isInstallment = true
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312",
"isInstallment": false // pay now item, installmentTerm will be ignored if isInstallment = false
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 230000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 230000,
"purchaseAmount": 230000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312",
"isInstallment": true, // installment item
"installmentTerm": "payIn4" // must not be null if isInstallment = true
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"
Installment level: Item and choose installment plan on MoMo App
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"partnerName": "MoMo Developer",
"requestType": "payWithInstallmentFlik",
"requestId": "RE1668668711653",
"orderId": "OD1668668711653",
"orderInfo": "Thanh toán hóa đơn OD1668586204144",
"extraData": "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJtb21vIn0=",
"amount": "360000",
"redirectUrl": "",
"ipnUrl": "",
"autoCapture": "false",
"deliveryInfo": {
"deliveryAddress": "123 Nguyen Trai, Phuong 1, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh",
"deliveryFee": 30000,
"inStorePickUp" : true,
"description": "Phi giao hang"
"userInfo": {
"name": "MoMo Developer",
"phoneNumber": "1900 636 652",
"email": ""
"installmentRequest": {
"installmentType": "payInItem"
"items": [
"id": "1655435780SKU_1",
"name": "Iphone 13",
"description": "Iphone 13",
"category": "category iphone",
"price": 100000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 100000,
"purchaseAmount": 100000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"id": "1655435780SKU_2",
"name": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"description": "Macbook Pro 13 2018",
"category": "category macbook",
"price": 230000,
"currency": "VND",
"quantity": 1,
"totalAmount": 230000,
"purchaseAmount": 230000,
"manufacturer": "Apple",
"imei": "IMEI123213",
"serialNumber": "SERIAL12312",
"barCode": "CODE12312"
"lang": "vi",
"signature": "53f6052d9a55b6d92c17c74af81a3c6d8e36a01d9dad064ff50ce569b90eba1c"

HTTP Response

partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringSame as the original request
orderIdStringSame as the original request
payUrlStringURL for switching from the partner's page to the MoMo payment page
deeplinkStringURL to open MoMo application directly (Customers must install MoMo app first) and payment confirmation screen.
qrCodeUrlStringData to generate QR code if you want customers to scan the QR code directly on your purchase page or to print it on the invoice. Note: This URL is NOT containing the image of the QR code, you need to use an external library to generate the QR code.
deeplinkMiniAppStringURL to open the MoMo app's payment confirmation screen. Apply when partner's website is embedded into MoMo app.
resultCodeintError code
messageStringError description, error language is based on lang
responseTimeLongTime to respond payment results to partner Format: timestamp

On the production environment: You need to request permission to use qrCodeUrl, deeplink, applink,deeplinkMiniApp fields.

Example Response
"partnerCode": "MOMO_PARTNER_A",
"orderId": "OD1663393109660",
"requestId": "RE1663393158323",
"amount": 10000,
"responseTime": 1663393159319,
"message": "Giao dịch thành công.",
"resultCode": 0,
"payUrl": "",
"deeplink": "momo://?action=marketing&featureCode=credit_bnpl&orderId=OD1663393109660&refId=credit_bnpl&serviceCode=credit_bnpl",
"qrCodeUrl": "",
"applink": "",
"deeplinkMiniApp": "momo://?action=marketing&featureCode=credit_bnpl&orderId=OD1663393109660&refId=credit_bnpl&serviceCode=credit_bnpl"

Process Payment Result

For more information, see Payment Notification.

Parameter description

Description for parameters which are used by MoMo in the URL redirectUrl and the body content of ipnUrl.

partnerCodeStringIntegration information
requestIdStringEach Request’s Identification
amountLongAmount to pay
orderIdStringInitial OrderId
orderInfoStringOrder info
transIdLongMoMo's transaction ID
resultCodeIntegerOrder status
messageStringdescription of resultCode based on lang
payTypeStringPayment Type: webApp, app,qror miniapp
responseTimeLongTime to return payment result in miliseconds
extraDataStringAdditional info
signatureStringSignature to confirm information. Secure transaction in Hmac_SHA256  algorithm with format: a String sort all key name of data field from a-z:

The signature is encrypted using secretKey and accessKey, so you must keep it secret, not expose to any chat channels, or in source code, git, etc.

See also